Sunday, February 16, 2014

What have you done when you see your co worker assaulted by a patient?
Most people think it is the substance abusers ,the psychiatric patients or confused patients.
Well these folks do hurt the staff along with their family members, friends and anyone else that thinks they can..
 It is awful how we are as health care workers are treated and no one seems to pay attention to us.
Incident reports are made out , there is no feedback, no one calls and asks if the staff that was assaulted is back to work and well. Would it be so hard to ask to show that someone cares?
I wrote out an incident report and I was asked to: "would you mind not writing the whole expletive out, it is embarrassing to read it in the group , just put the first letter we could figure it out" My response was" the patient as he was hitting me didn't call me a F------ B---- I will continue to write what the patient says!"
I was really angry to think it was alright that patients could swear at us but it embarrasses administration.
When I saw my co worker thrown up against the wall by a patient she just brought lunch to,I knew we had to do something more. We needed security in the ER 24/7
Three of us presented at a workplace committee meeting when they were fashionable, we presented a power point on our needs and wants. Administration felt we had a point and decided they would allow security to be in the ER friday and saturday evening just for a test. We took it , but we felt defeated although we knew we would continue with our fight.
 We realized at that time NO ONE really looked at the incident reports seriously.WE were assaulted monday through sunday and administration thinks we would be happy with security only on Friday and Saturday Evenin
It took a while to work on it, but we are working with security in our ER 24/7

If you are interested in how please email me.

asheila Wilson R.N.BSN MPH

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