Thursday, January 23, 2014

Who really knows healthcare workers get hurt??????????? Do they care?

Planting seeds for action is really a long road to hoe......
There were three of us that started "STOPHEALTHCAREVIOLENCE" and over the years things have changed for us. WE have taken on different roles and duties,however the violence continues and actually is getting worse. The places we never thought anything bad would happened ,bad has happened.The website has received a lot of views but will that be enough?
Healthcare workers are getting hurt everyday and most of the public doesn't even know. When I speak to people they can't believe someone would hurt a Nurse, Doctor or any one else taking care of them.I have seen a female physician kicked in her abdomen by the patient she just finished examining. The patient smiled at her after she kicked her.
Could the physician say that's IT I won't take care of her and walk away, will the physician get in trouble foe abandoning her patient ? At that note what if the same happened to the Nurse could she be held on abandoning her patient????????????? This is something I need to find out...
please visit the website

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